1. 1985 电影: 摩登仙履奇緣(全片)- Girl with the Diamond Slippers
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2. Girl with the Diamond Slipper (1985) directed by Wong Jing - Letterboxd
Two hopeless housebreaker brothers, Ah Chi and Fatty, steal a diamond that had already been earmarked by a criminal gang. Through a series of unfortunate ...
Two hopeless housebreaker brothers, Ah Chi and Fatty, steal a diamond that had already been earmarked by a criminal gang. Through a series of unfortunate and - frankly - unlikely events, the diamond ends up in the shoe of a rising star TV actress Cheung Man Ju. They pursue her all over Hong Kong until finally tracking her down at a charity ball where she must leave by midnight, and accidentally loses a shoe in the process.
3. 摩登仙履奇缘_百度百科
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4. 摩登仙履奇緣DVD - 博客來
商品簡介:本愛情喜劇片為「橋王」王晶自導自演,拍於1985年,由張曼玉及陳百祥主演,另有70年代著名小生汪禹合演。故事描述,陳被追殺,情急下將意外得來巨鑽藏鞋店的高跟鞋 ...
5. Girl With The Diamond Slipper (1985) - Review - Far East Films
17 mrt 2015 · Aspiring actress Chang (Cheung) lives with two fellow wannabes and dreams of one day becoming a screen star. Though this seems to be a day-dream ...
Though 'Girl With The Diamond Slipper' has a fine finale and some excellent physical comedy throughout, the decidedly flat middle section eats away at the viewer's patience.
6. 摩登仙履奇缘- 电影- 豆瓣
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陈七(陈百祥 饰)和肥猫(王晶 饰)是一对江洋大盗,除了从来不使用暴力伤人外几乎干尽了坏事。某日,陈七在偷车的过程中遇见了名为张曼珠(张曼玉 饰)的女子,美丽的张曼珠立刻吸引了陈七的注意,令陈七坠入了...
See AlsoFerhnvi
7. 摩登仙履奇緣(1985) - HKMDB
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HKMDB contains information about films, people, and companies associated with Hong Kong cinema
8. 《摩登仙履奇缘(粤语)》 - video Dailymotion
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9. 电影:摩登仙履奇缘(普通话版)1985 - 搜狐视频
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陈七(陈百祥 饰)职业惯匪,偷抢拐骗无所不为,唯一可取是从不使用暴力;肥猫(王晶 饰)是陈的搭档,为人傻傻呆呆;张曼珠(张曼玉 饰)电视台新晋演员,收入微薄,生活拮据;一天,陈偷车时,被张的脚踏车撞伤,陈对张一见着迷,但张未稍予词色;未几,陈意外得巨钻,往找买家脱手,却途遇杀手追杀,陈情急下将巨钻藏于某鞋店的一只高跟鞋内,后此鞋刚好被张买去参加舞会,王子泰(潘震伟 饰)与张渐生情感,并得到了藏有钻石的高跟鞋,陈万分沮丧。后张无意中得知王为了遗产买凶杀父,并打算杀掉所有有牵连的人。最终在陈、王、张、警察的共同努力下将坏人惩之依法。
10. 摩登仙履奇缘 - 抖音百科
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11. Eddie Chan Shu-Chi - HKMDB
製片/ Production Manager ; 淫種 / The Rape After (1984) ; 一脫求生 / Dress Off for Life (1984) ; 老友鬼鬼 / Friendly Ghost (1985) ; 妙探孖寶 / Two Jolly Cops (1985).
HKMDB contains information about films, people, and companies associated with Hong Kong cinema