St Mary's Primary School Swan Hill - St Mary's Primary ... (2024)

St Mary’s Primary School Swan Hill Shine “… shine among them like stars lighting up the sky!” Philippians 2:15 Parent Handbook 2022 2 Murlong Street, Swan Hill VIC 3585 Ph: 03 50332541Email: Website: #stmarysswanhill

CONTENTSSchool Information 4Message from the Principal 5St. Mary’s Vision and Mission Statement 6School Philosophy 7School Wide Positive Behaviour Support ( SWPBS) – The St Mary’s Way 8St. Mary’s History 9Learning and Teaching 10Literacy / NumeracyLOTEMusic and Performing ArtsPhysical EducationVisual ArtsDigital TechnologySustainabilityStudent LeadershipProfessional Development for Staff 12Student Wellbeing 12Wellbeing Programs and SupportsInformation and Communications Technology (ICT) 14Acceptable Use and Cybersafety Agreement (Parents and Students)PAMCDF PayFacebook/InstagramSchool Based AppsSeesawSt. Mary’s School Website and NewsletterLibrary 15Book FairsLibrary BagsLoansLost BooksRepairsCamps and Excursions 16Parent Involvement 16CanteenParents and FriendsSt. Mary’s School Advisory CouncilTravel and Supervision Arrangements 17Bus BuddiesBus TravelCar Pick Up and Drop OffChanges to Bus Travel - Bus Passes / Not on Bus 2

SupervisionTown Bus ServiceCommunication Between School and Home 19AbsencesAppointmentsAttendance PassesGeneral Information 20After School Sports ProgramAllergiesAnaphylaxisAsthmaBook ClubChild SafeClassroom NotesClothing PoolEmergency Management DrillsFoundation AttendanceHead LiceHoly Family Catholic Parish North East MalleeInformationLost PropertyMedicationNotes to SchoolNut Free ZoneOut of School Hours Care Program - @ 2 MurlongPrivacy PolicyShamrock Park PreschoolSick ChildrenStandard Collection NoticeStudent Led Conferences, 3 Way Conferences and Parent Teacher InterviewsSunsmartVisitors to SchoolWhole School AssemblyWorking with Children ChecksDress Code 25Boys and GirlsPE UniformCosmeticsHairstylesJewelleryImportant Dates 2022 27School Map 2022 28Staffing 2022 29 3

SCHOOL INFORMATIONADDRESS: 2 Murlong Street, Swan Hill 3585 PO Box 727, Swan Hill 3585OFFICE HOURS: 8.30 am to 4.00 pm Monday to FridayPHONE: (03) 50332541EMAIL: Access Module): PAGE: #stmarysswanhillSCHOOL HOURS: 8.55 Music – line up for assembly 9.00 Bell – start of school 10.50 Recess eating time 10.55 Bell – recess / play time begins 11.20 Music – line up for class 11.25 Bell – end of recess / play time 12.55 Bell – start of lunch, eating time 1.05 Bell – luch play time begins 1.40 Music – line up for class 1.45 Bell - end of lunch 3.15 First bell - dismissal of town bus children and walkers 3.20 Second bell – dismissal for country bus travellers 3.25 Third bell – dismissal of remaining children and Out of School Hours Care 4

MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL I wish to extend a warm welcome to your family on behalf of our school community. At St Mary’s our students are at the centre of all that we do. We have a strong commitment to providing a safe and harmonious school environment where successful relationships thrive. Our strength lies in the close partnerships between students, staff, parents and the wider community which is highly valued by us all. We promote and develop positive and respectful relationships and are committed to living out our school motto of ‘Every child matters every day’. Principal We endeavour to educate our students to develop a foundation of Mrs Kate Quin knowledge, skills and attitudes for life-long learning. The school is focused on the students being 21st Century Learners and in providing all classes with digital technologies to support their engagement in contemporary learning environments. At St Mary’s we build the expectation that each of us has the potential to contribute to the development of our changing world. We provide an exciting educational program, where learning is relevant and fun, catering for the whole child. Our teachers cater for the different learning styles of all students with quality educational outcomes their constant focus. We strive for excellence and to instil a love of learning into our students and to make school a place where children want to be. This is achieved through the extensive range of academic, sporting and cultural activities organised by the school. Our school is a learning community. Staff work together to create a culture that enables children to think creatively, express themselves confidently, follow their curiosity independently and manage their learning in an organised and persistent manner to the best of their ability. We expect our students to work hard and to care for each other and to invest in making St Mary’s a very positive place of learning. Being Principal at St Mary’s brings me much joy and many opportunities for learning and developing relationships. If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact me to discuss them. Our school community is vibrant and enthusiastic and I hope your involvement at St Mary’s will be enriching, enjoyable and rewarding. Kate 5


SCHOOL PHILOSOPHYAt St Mary’s Primary School Swan Hill we are committed to improving the life and learning of the children for whomwe are responsible. Our beliefs are lived out through our commitment to student wellbeing and ability to providean inclusive education that is strength based where each student can and will learn and succeed. This belief thatevery student should have every opportunity to succeed, underpins all teaching and learning programs andpractices in the school.All teaching and learning exists in our Catholic Faith, tradition and beliefs very much centred around Josephiteheritage.We believe all children can learn and will learn because of our focus on the needs of each individual learnerincluding their knowledge, skills, dispositions and learning style. We believe in inspiring optimism in the face ofchallenges and empowering children to find success.We strive to create an educational environment that engages children in a purposeful, rigorous and relevantcurriculum; where relationships are built on respect and trust and where communication is open and informing.We believe that highly engaged students are a critical factor in creating a high performing school and valuecollaborative home-school partnerships.We believe in using a multi-tiered model of delivering the curriculum. We consistently monitor all students toensure they are successful learners, collecting data which informs instruction so that all students’ unique learningprofiles are supported.At St. Mary’s we value highly skilled, informed and dedicated professionals who focus on learning throughcollaboration with colleagues. We constantly reflect on our practice and collected data in order to improve ourteaching and ultimately deliver high quality instruction that supports all children to reach their potential. 7

SCHOOL WIDE POSITIVE BEHAVIOUR SUPPORT (SWPBS) – The St Mary’s WayAs part of our School Wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS) initiative, the staff and students of the schooldeveloped the St Mary’s Way. The 4 norms of the St Mary’s Way guide the students to reach their full potentialand promote a positive learning environment for all. 8

ST. MARY’S HISTORYFrom it’s humble beginnings at High Street on the 10th March 1919, St Mary’s Primary School opened under theguidance of Miss Anne Hanrahan with 75 students. St Mary’s has grown to its current student population ofapproximately 600 students and over one hundred staff at its present Murlong Street site.Mary MacKillop together with Julian Tenison-Woods founded the Josephite schools so that children in remote andrural areas would have access to a Catholic education. In July 1923, the arrival of three Sisters of St. Joseph in SwanHill, began the long and close association of the Josephites with Catholic Education in Swan Hill. In 1923 BishopFoley blessed the foundation stone of the new convent, later known as MacKillop House, which was burnt down in1989. Extensive refurbishment took place between 1980 and 1990 at the High Street site, which is now occupiedby St Mary MacKillop College.The long tradition of St Mary’s being headed by St. Joseph sisters ended in 1996 when, after 73 years, a layprincipal was appointed for the beginning of the 1997 school year. However, the Josephite characteristics of hardwork, dedication, community and family unity are still strong features of our school.The new school is set on the old Shamrock Park site, with its boundaries being Murlong and Karinie Streets. Stagesone and two of the building program were completed in December 1996 enabling all students to attend school onthe one site, after nearly two years of being a dual campus school while building progressed.Today, St Mary’s comprises of modern, air-conditioned classrooms complete with interactive whiteboards, a full-scale gymnasium, canteen, sensory rooms, a wellbeing centre, Art, Music and Languages rooms, a large library andan autonomous preschool, Shamrock Park which operates within our grounds. We also run our own OSHC serviceknown as @ 2 Murlong which offers before and after school care for students.Our school community is made up of both town and rural families with the majority of children having to bus toschool. We also have strong links with the Italian Community, which is best demonstrated through our bi-annualItalian day.Our beautiful landscaped gardens, large ovals and modern, undercover play spaces are excellent features of ourschool along with well presented classrooms that promote learning in a positive and secure environment. Thisreflects the pride this community takes in its school. 9

LEARNING AND TEACHING St Mary’s Primary School provides an innovative and quality educational program that takes into account the diverse range of backgrounds, experiences, interests, learning styles and social and academic competencies that comprise our student population. As a St Mary’s staff, we pride ourselves on ensuring every child achieves their own potential. This means ensuring we have a very explicit way of teaching and supportive systemic programs that supports all students experiencing success, as well as offering extension and enrichment within these programs. At St Mary’s we are committed to building a culture of learning within our classrooms that requires teachers and students to jointly engage in teaching and learning that ispurposeful, relevant and clearly defined. Our staff provide safe and supportive learning environments andconstruct learning experiences that are explicit and carefully scaffolded, inclusive and collaborative in nature.Learning intentions and success criteria are clearly conveyed and staff uses a variety of assessment criteria toreflect on and to use as a basis for future teaching and learning. Students are encouraged to use higher-order andcritical-thinking skills to solve problems and construct new meanings and understandings and staff look foropportunities to integrate information and communication technologies to enhance student learning.Literacy and NumeracyLiteracy and Numeracy continue to be the major curriculum focuses for all teachers here at St Mary’s. At St. Mary’swe pride ourselves on our school mantra that “Every child matters Everyday”, and this is strongly reflected in ourLiteracy approach, with 2 hrs daily dedicated to our reading and writing programs. Our literacy programs are allevidence based and we use the explicit teaching approach based on I Do, We Do and You Do throughout theschool. Through this engaging model we are able to cater for a range of different learning needs and learning stylesas well as developing a love of literature, in a safe and supportive learning environment. Students are explicitlytaught reading strategies and how to use them in their reading. Their skills and understanding are reinforced insmall group Guided Reading sessions and one-to-one teaching. Our Reading program is linked to a strong focus onoral language which develops children’s vocabulary and builds children’s confidence.Our writing sessions are very fun and engaging and focus on teaching a specific text type and the skills that alearner needs to possess in order to become great writers. Students are inspired to respond to their world andrecord their ideas in a range of ways.All classes teach Mathematics using a daily Mental Maths program and an explicit, systematic online Mathematicprogram- Stepping Stones. Counting games form part of daily warm ups in the junior classrooms while tables areintroduced and practised daily in Years 3-6. Mathletics also allows for further engagement, differentiation andenrichment to support our Numeracy curriculum.Our teachers are committed to continuing to refine and develop their knowledge and skills in relation to theteaching of literacy and numeracy and to raise the standard of skills of all students in our care.All teachers meet weekly to talk through best practice pertaining to the teaching of learning in these areas.Professional Development is continually being undertaken by staff to guarantee that their knowledge of literacyand numeracy is kept to the absolute optimum.LOTE (Language other than English) ItalianSt Mary’s offers Italian from Foundation through to Year 6 and has a strong commitment to promoting a love forlanguage learning. All children from Foundation to Year 6 receive a weekly lesson, taught by our specialist Italianteachers. The students are immersed in the Italian language and culture through a range of activities, includingspeaking, singing, listening, reading and writing. An Italian Day is held bi-annually where the children enjoy comingto school dressed in Italian related costumes or colours. Children get to experience many activities throughout theday including Italian based sports, games and food. Parental assistance is vital for Italian Day to be successful soplease give some thought to lending a hand. 10
Music and Performing ArtsSt Mary’s has a dedicated Music Room which is supplied with a wide variety of instruments and learning materials.Students from Foundation to Year 2 are introduced to the Performing Arts in a warm, experiential program,focusing on music appreciation and fundamental skills. The sound of ukuleles ring in the air at St Mary’s as our Year3 & 4 students learn to play the ukulele, while the Year 5 & 6 children love learning to play the guitar and tryingtheir hand at keyboard. 2021 saw the introduction of woodwind instruments into the Year 4-6 area as we expandopportunities for our students to learn a range of musical instruments at St Mary’s. Drama and Performance is amajor focus built into our music program across all year levels. Our school choir is going from strength to strengthwith students from Year 4-6 gathering weekly to practice songs and musical ensembles.Physical EducationPhysical Education is offered to all year levels at St Mary’s. Students have the opportunity to participate in anextensive, engaging and fun PE curriculum. At St Mary’s we offer a variety of events that promote both student andfamily engagement. These include, The Great Race, Athletics, Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals. Year 5 and 6students have the opportunity to participate in Summer and Winter Sports. Parental and family involvement isimportant for many of these events to help provide a successful and beneficial experience.Visual ArtsAt St Mary's we want to embrace the artist in every child. All children from Foundation to Year 6 have weekly artlessons and they absolutely love creatively expressing themselves in a variety of media, including painting,drawing, sculpture, ceramics, wood work, printmaking and sewing. Our art classes combine art history and theworks of famous artists to teach art techniques to inspire students' work. Student’s artworks are regularlyshowcased around our school and in the wider community.Digital TechnologySt. Mary's offers a comprehensive curriculum in the area of Digital Technology. Our junior classes (Foundation -Year 2) use iPads in addition to more traditional learning tools to enhance their learning. The year 3-6 classroomshave their own (1:1) Chromebook computer which is used daily in their classrooms. Technology is now part of oureveryday life, so just like we teach students how to read, write and work on Mathematics – we also need to teachour children how to use digital technology. It is fantastic to witness the excitement and enthusiasm of bothstudents and teachers as they make meaningful use of technology to enhance their learning across all curriculumareas.SustainabilitySt Mary’s is committed to embracing Sustainability in education and we believe that for students to feelempowered, they need to take active roles in their learning and in the wider community. Students are activelyinvolved in planting and caring for the environment. Caring for our vegetable patches, looking after the schools‘happy hens’ and creating compost for use in our gardens supports our Sustainable Schools program. As anaccredited Resource Smart school we actively support an awareness of environmental issues and managementstrategies for waste, water, energy and biodiversity. We promote, reducing energy consumption, recycling,composting, rubbish free lunches and utilising tank water. This program is supported by an environmental policy,curriculum implementation and sustainability teams of both staff and student leaders.Student LeadershipSt Mary’s is committed to providing pathways for students to develop their leadership skills in authentic ways,taking on various roles of leadership within the school. Leadership is a quality that all students at St Mary’s PrimarySchool are encouraged and supported to develop. Students from Foundation to Year 6 take on the role of leadersof their own learning. Through the curriculum and extracurricular activities, all students are encouraged to developthe skills necessary to be a leader. This ensures that all students perceive themselves as leaders and have theopportunity and confidence to take on more formal leadership roles as they enter their senior years at the school.A key feature of St Mary’s success is the active involvement of students in the life of the school. The school offers adiverse range of leadership opportunities for all students that includes joining leadership teams and participating inaccredited leadership programs: 11
School Captains, House Captains, Sports Captains, Student Representative Council, (SRC), Sustainability Leaders,Media Leaders, Library Support, Office Support and our cross age buddy program known as PALS are just some ofthe ways students can be involved with a leadership role. All student leaders receive a badge of office to be worneach day. Student Leadership positions are held in high regard by the principal, staff, parents and community.Student Leaders are representative of the school in both the modelling of standards for their peers and youngerstudents as well as the proactive development of activities that represent the school community.Programs to develop leadership skills and attributes include the GRIP Leadership Program, our Year 6 leadershipDay, the UPP Leadership program for Year 5 students and The Positive Peers workshops for our senior students.In the Junior School, students begin to develop competencies in teamwork, expressing ideas and basic problem-solving – enhancing confidence and self-esteem while the middle school provides more formal training andopportunities to participate in leadership roles such as the Student Representative Council (SRC).PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT FOR STAFFDOBCEL supports schools to have pupil free days throughout the year for Curriculum Development and to buildprofessional capacity. Dates are set well in advance and advertised via the school newsletter and on our schoolcalendar. Please refer to Important Dates for 2022 on page 27.STUDENT WELLBEINGAt St Mary’s we have a designated Learning Diversity Leader, Ginny Gook who is responsible for coordinating andimplementing wellbeing and support programs across the school.We also have Wellbeing Support Officers in Brenda Ford, Jordan Morris and Krishell Wilson, who work withindividuals or groups of children who need support at different times in their lives. This role is varied with a focuson a combination of whole school activities and individual and small group activities with students. Wellbeing is agrowing priority and in 2022 our wellbeing staff will expand with the recent appointments of Melanie White, JoshRodriguez and Brooklan Caruso.Our Wellbeing Support Officers are a safe person for young people to connect with at school providing a listeningear, caring presence and strategies to help children build resilience. Brenda, Jordan and Krishell care for studentsstruggling with a wide range of issues, including: family problems, friendship issues, self-esteem issues, sensoryissues, bullying and anxiety. Parents who have concerns about their child’s wellbeing and would like support cancontact Ginny Gook. Ginny Gook Brenda Ford Jordan Morris Krishell WilsonSocial and Emotional Learning (SEL)St Mary’s is committed to providing a safe, secure and stimulating learning environmentfor all students. We understand that students reach their full potential only when theyare happy, healthy and safe, and that a positive school culture helps to engage studentsand support them in their learning. Our school acknowledges that student wellbeing andstudent learning outcomes are closely linked. 12
Based on this commitment and following research and trial implementation of resilience practices in 2021, we arecontinuing The Resilience Project across the whole school from Foundation to Year 6. The Resilience Projectcurriculum was designed by teachers for teachers and aligns with Victorian and Australian Curriculum standardsand framework in the areas of Personal and Social Capabilities and the Health and Physical Education.The program is based on the philosophy that, in order to live a happier more fulfilling life, we need to regularlypractise Gratitude, Empathy (kindness) and Mindfulness. Emotional literacy – having self-awareness andrecognition of one's own feelings and knowing how to manage them – is also an integral part of the program. Eachweek we conduct a formal lesson based on one of these practises and the students complete an entry into theirResilience Journals. The lessons also engage the students in activities such as creating gratitude posters,mindfulness colouring and matching appropriate emotions to different events.Wellbeing Programs and SupportsBrain Gym ProgramAt St Mary’s we recognise and value the importance of Brain Gym in supporting children’s academic and emotionalwellbeing. Brenda who is a trained Brain Gym facilitator organises structured weekly visits to classrooms teachingstudents and teachers Brain Gym movements. Brain Gym movements are an easy set of exercises to improve wholebrain integration.Breakfast ClubEvery morning at St Mary’s we run a breakfast club from the canteen, for bus travellers and students that may havemissed breakfast or those who require extra breakfast. The students can choose from hot milk or Milo as well as apiece of toast. This program relies on support from parents and donations of milo, honey, jam and vegemite can beleft at the office. If you can help from 8:40 till 9:10 am please contact the office.Community GroupsOnce a term children are put into vertical groups (Foundation to Year 6) and spend time with a different teacherparticipating in activities related to our Social and Emotional Learning focus. This is a great opportunity for childrento make new friends and to get to know other children in the school.Lego ClubThis runs every lunchtime in a designated area for children who love to construct and make amazing creations andenjoy the company of other children at the same time.PALSThe Year 5 & 6 children meet regularly with our Foundation children and participate in a joint activity promotingfun and building relationships. This gives the Year 5 & 6 children a level of responsibility and the Foundationchildren a sense of security and of being connected.Playground ActivitiesEach day a variety of great activities are set up in the Passive Play area for our younger and not so young children toplay with during recess and lunch. Our wellbeing team spend many recesses and lunch times in this area interactingwith children. The benefits are enormous as many children are learning socialisation skills under their wonderfulguidance. It is also a lovely way of giving children who struggle to build and maintain friendships a safe andenjoyable place to play.Colouring club, meditation & yoga run daily while strings club and dance are weekly highlights.Seasons for Growth ProgramThis program caters for children who may have suffered grief and loss due to a death in the family or a familyseparation. Our Student Support Officer works with a group of children working through a specialised program overa period of eight weeks.Wellbeing Room/Sensory RoomsWe have a designated wellbeing and sensory rooms that is set up to cater for the differing needs of children.Brenda, Jordan and Krishell work from these rooms which have wonderful resources to support the sensory needs 13
of children. Programs to support children who need extra support for social and emotional reasons are also set upin these rooms. LSOs are also trained to support the wellbeing needs of our students.INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGY (ICT)Acceptable Use and Cybersafety Agreement (Parents and Students)St Mary’s School supports the rights of all members of the school community to be provided with and engage in asafe, inclusive and supportive learning environment. This extends to the use of digital tools and online communitiesand is underpinned by our expectation of safe and responsible behavior of all members of the school community.The school is committed to the pursuit of excellence in learning and teaching, integrating technology as an effectivetool to achieve this goal.Please refer to our website for a copy of the Digital Technology Policy.Each child will be provided with a copy of the Acceptable Use andCyber Safety Agreement and we ask that parents read, discuss andensure that their child has an understanding of the above policy asappropriate for their age and that they accept to abide by its terms.Signed agreements for each student need to be returned to school.PAM (Parent Access Module) school uses a web based system to make communication between home and school more efficient andeffective. Each family will receive a PAM login which can be used to access PAM via your computer, on your smartphone or android device. Once logged onto PAM you will be able to see details about your child, their classtimetable, attendance information, school reports and medical information. Access will also be available to Parentinformation, booking of School Interviews, general school links and the school calendar. You can also lodge buspasses and absences, all permission slips for camps and excursion as well as accessing the newsletter and alerts viaPAM.CDF PayCDF Pay is a payment program for a number of aspects of schooling. This is fullysecured by our bankers the NAB (National Australia Bank). This allows parents toorder and make payments for canteen, book fair, Year 6 shirts and other specialevents throughout the year. If you have any queries please don't hesitate tocontact the office. Visit our online store from your computer or mobile device to order online today! 14
FacebookSt. Mary's Primary School Swan Hill has a Facebook Page."LIKE" us on Facebook to keep up to date with social events andthings happening around the school!InstagramSt. Mary’s Primary School Swan Hill has an Instagram Page“FOLLOW” us on Instagram #stmarysswanhillSchool Based AppsA number of applications are used in the classrooms including:Foundation - Phonics Heroes & Sunshine Books OnlineYear One - Reading Eggs, Sunshine Books Online & MathseedsYear Two - Sunshine Online, Mathletics & STARS onlineYear Three - Sunshine Online, Mathletics & STARS onlineYear Four – Mathletics, Epic Reading & STARS onlineYear Five - Herald Sun, Kids News, Mathletics & STARS onlineYear Six – E-Smart, Herald Sun, Kids News, Mathletics & STARS onlineSeesawThis online digital learning journal has been introduced as a new way to instantly sharestudent work with their family. This online platform allows the students to showcase theirassessment tasks and any other work conducted in the classroom through a secure andprivate network. Families will be sent an invitation to join their child’s Digital Journalwhere they will only be able to see their own child’s work. Parents will have theopportunity to ‘like’ or comment on the student work.St Mary’s School Website and Newsletter The school website at provides great information about our school and school activities. The weekly school Newsletter is sent out to parents and families each Monday via PAM in the format of a pdf newsletter and is also available on our school website.LIBRARY Book Fairs Book Fairs are held once or twice a year and provide additional funds for purchasing Library resources. Library Bags Students from Foundation to Year 2 must bring their library bag on Library days and use them to transport books from school to home. Replacement bags are available from the library and the cost will be charged to your account. 15
Loans Students are encouraged to borrow for both recreational and study purposes. The library is open on various days throughout the week from 8.30am to 9.00am and 1.00pm to 1.30pm. Books may be borrowed for 2 weeks and renewed if necessary. There are no fines for late returns. Books may be borrowed in Library lessons or at any time the Library is open. All year levels may borrow up to four books at a time. Lost Books It is standard practice in all libraries for library patrons to pay for lost or damaged books. When necessary the Library will send a letter to parents informing them of the replacement cost which will be added to the school fee account. Repairs Thank you for NOT MENDING our Library books. No matter what the problem it is best if you just bring the damage to the attention of the Library. We prefer to use our own special glues and tapes for book repairs. CAMPS AND EXCURSIONS Camps play an important part in the curriculum and all children are encouraged to attend. Year 6 Melbourne 1st- 4th August 2022 Year 5 Creswick 17th – 19th October 2022 Year 4 Halls Gap 14th – 15th November 2022 Year 3 Echuca 28th Feb – 1st March 2022 Year 2 Kerang 12th May 2022 Year 1 Swan Hill 1st September 2022 Foundation Swan Hill 8th September 2022 PARENT INVOLVEMENTCanteenThe School Canteen is managed by Mrs Trudy Travaglia and Mrs Lou Angus along with parent volunteers. Thecanteen is available for students and staff to purchase recess and/or lunch via CDF Pay. It is open for over thecounter sales at lunch time. We require as many helpers as possible to assist Trudy and Lou in the canteen. If allfamilies could provide a helper at least once per term the roster can be filled. Roster times are 11.30 am to 2.00 pm.If however, you are only able to offer an hour or two we would be more than happy to accommodate you. It is vitalthat we have some commitment from our parents to help run the canteen. If you are helping out, you will need toQR code, sign in at the office and show proof of COVID vaccination status. 16
A price list will be provided early in 2022, with any amendments to prices being placed in the newsletter as required.New price lists are available each term.Please remember to sign in at the front reception when fulfilling this vital roleParents & FriendsParents and Friends are a very important part of our school community.They provide an opportunity to take an active part in school activities. Theseactivities are predominantly social and fundraising, but there are alsoopportunities for information, making suggestions and contributing to themaintenance of the school. The money raised by Parents & Friends enablesthe school to purchase equipment that makes our school a better place forlearning and play. When Parents & Friends meet the dates will be advertisedin the school newsletter.Please give some thought to playing an active part in our Parents & Friends.St. Mary’s School Advisory Council (SAC)Parents are represented on the St Mary’s School Advisory Council, which meets at 7.00 pm at school on the secondTuesday of the monthThe Council is an advisory body which provides a structure for discussion and policy making regarding education inour school. You are encouraged to contact Council Members if you have something you would like to contributeabout the School or if you are interested in joining the SAC. Current School Advisory Council members are:Chairperson – Laura CrowPrincipal - Kate QuinParish Priest - Fr. James KerrParent Representatives - Kirsten Mitchell, Stephen Davies, Jess Merrett and Craige KennedyStaff Representative: Appointed 2022Ex Officio member: Jason Perry TRAVEL AND SUPERVISION ARRANGEMENTS Bus Buddies All Foundation bus travellers have a ‘bus buddy’. The bus buddy is an older student who travels on the same bus to ensure the Foundation child goes to the correct bus line and gets on the bus with minimal fuss. The buddy also helps those who have to tackle the interchange at Swan Hill Secondary College and board their new bus. The interchange is only for country bus travellers. Bus Travel Children who reside outside Swan Hill are entitled to free bus travel provided by the government. Application forms for travel are provided at the school office. For children living in Swan Hill a Town Bus service is run by the school. If you have any queries or concerns regarding bus travel please do not hesitate to contact the office. Car Pick Up and Drop Off The front carpark is available for parents dropping off or picking up their children. The front carpark has entry and exit off Murlong St. and enables sufficient parking for all parents to park safely. When dropping off or collecting children in the carpark please pull into a parking bay and ensure that your child proceeds along the paths and crossing provided until they reach your car. Movement from the front carpark to the school grounds is closed between 3.15 and 3.25 to enable the buses full access. Each night two staff members are allocated the job of ensuring the carpark is used in a safe way by parents and students. 17
It is imperative that parents, grandparents or family friends exercise legal road safety requirements when droppingoff or collecting children. It is the family’s responsibility to reinforce safety procedures with their children in usingthe carpark.Changes to Bus Travel - Bus Passes / Not on BusIf, on certain occasions, you wish your child to travel on a bus or travel on a bus other than their normal bus youmust contact the office via one of the following methods:  PAM (Parent Access Module) – Preferred method, cut off time is 2.30pm  Email (  Contact the school office (50332541)If you require bus passes for several children eg. for a child’s birthday party please contact the office to ensure thatthere is sufficient space on the bus to accommodate the extra children. Please note this is only available for townbuses, not country buses. If the bus pass is for a town bus please send in $3.00 (per family per trip) to cover the cost.SupervisionSupervision is provided between 8.30 am and 3.30 pm for all students and for bustravellers. Supervision is also provided by our staff at Swan Hill Secondary College untilall buses have departed.Children are under the care of class teachers during actual school hours and teachersupervision is provided for recesses, lunch and bus duty on a roster system.Please ensure that your children do not arrive at school before 8.30 am and that they are picked up after schoolat 3.25 pm.Town Bus ServiceSt Mary’s is happy to be offering town bus runs for families in need of this service. The service is a non profitmaking venture. The cost in 2022 is $410.00 per family per annum. We have five town runs operating. Please callinto the office to view the maps to ascertain which run is most appropriate for your needs. The stops on the runscan alter throughout the year depending on the needs of families. 18
COMMUNICATION BETWEEN SCHOOL AND HOMEAbsencesIf your child will not be attending school you must contact the school by 9:30 am on any given day that your child isabsent. This can be done via:  PAM – preferred method  Email (  SMS the school office 0409968162  Contact the school office (50332541)After 9:30am, any children that are absent without notification will be lodged on our SMS list. An SMS message willbe sent to parents requesting a reason for their absence. This is a government requirement and your assistance innotifying the school of absences will be appreciated.AppointmentsParents should not hesitate to meet with their child’s teacher if they have any concerns about any area of theirchild’s development. However, this is best done by arranging a mutually agreeable time. This avoids thedisappointment of the teacher not having time there and then to discuss the issue at hand, due to being in chargeof their class or attending after school meetings.In turn, teachers will contact parents if discussions are necessary in regards to a child’s progress. It is alsoreassuring for teachers to hear positive feedback on each child’s attitude and general progress.Parents are invited to contact the office to make appointments to see the Principal if they have a concern with theirchild’s progress or a problem of any kind. Traumas, or changes in family circ*mstances such as death, or separationcan markedly change a child’s ability to concentrate and learn at school. Certain situations may also alter a child’spersonality or behaviour. The first consideration is always the health, safety and wellbeing of the child. Any privateinformation is held in strictest confidence.Attendance PassesIf your child has an appointment during the day – please call via the office for a “Leave Pass”. This leave is recordedon the computer. Parents are asked to go to the class room to collect their child and present the “Pass” to theteacher. On returning to school the child must come back through the office where the leave will be completed onthe computer. A “Returning from Leave Pass” will be given to the student which is then passed on to the teacher.Early PassParents who wish to collect their children early from school (before 3.25 pm) are asked to go to the front office tocollect an Early Pass and then proceed to the classroom for pick up. This is recorded on the computer.Late PassIf your child is going to be late for class, please enter this via PAM or phone the office to inform the school with theestimated time of arrival. When arriving at school please call into the office for the “Late Pass” which is to be givento the teacher. The office will record the arrival time on the computer. 19
A-Z OF GENERAL INFORMATIONAfter School Sports ProgramIn collaboration with St Mary MacKillop College and Sporting Schools Australia, St Mary’s offers the opportunity forinterested students to participate in a five week After School Sports program. This program is run by St Mary’sMacKillop College students under the supervision of a St Mary’s staff member. The program operates between3.30pm and 4.30pm of selected day and weeks of Term 2 and Term 3. Due to program requirements, each sessionhas limited spaces available. In the event that program sessions are filled, students are placed on a waiting list andparents/families will be contacted if a position to participate becomes available.AllergiesIf a student suffers from mild allergies then an Action Plan for Allergic Reactions will need to be supplied along withthe appropriate medication to be kept in Sick Bay. ASCIA Action Plans have been developed as medical documentsand must be completed, signed and dated by the patient's medical doctor.The above action plan is available from the ASCIA website: a student suffers from severe allergies and has been prescribed an Epipen or Anapen then an Anaphylaxis ActionPlan will need to be supplied along with an Epipen or Anapen to be kept in Sick Bay, located in the school office.This is usually completed at the time of enrolment. The Anaphylaxis Action Plan will need to be reviewed andupdated on the advice of your child’s specialist. An ASCIA Action Plan should be completed by the student’sparents/guardians in consultation with the student’s medical practitioner and a copy provided to the school. Theplan must outline the student’s known severe allergies and the emergency procedures to be taken in the event ofan allergic reaction.The above action plan is available from the ASCIA website: Anaphylaxis Management Plans: An Individual Anaphylaxis Management Plans (IAMP) is developed, inconsultation with the student’s parents/carers. The IAMP must be put in place as soon as practicable after thestudent enrols or is diagnosed. It will include information about the student’s medical condition including thetype of allergy or allergies (based on a written diagnosis from a medical practitioner)AsthmaIf a student suffers from asthma, an Asthma Management form will need to be supplied. Parents must provide theschool with a Victorian School Asthma Action Plan completed by the student’s medical practitioner. (AsthmaAustralia in consultation with the Department of Education, Catholic Schools and Independent Schools, released aset of Asthma Action Plans for Victorian Schools to achieve consistency and eliminate confusion for teachers byhaving multiple looking plans presented to schools). The plan must outline the students known triggers and theemergency procedures to be taken in the event of an asthma flare-up or attack. Any medication(eg. Ventolin) that is required will be kept in the child’s bag or Sick Bay. It is recommended that the AsthmaManagement Plan will need to be updated annually and these are available from the school office or can bedownloaded from, Health Support Plan – Asthma Management Plan: This plan outlines how the school will support thestudent’s health care needs, based on health advice received from the student’s medical practitioner. This formmust be completed for each student with an identified health care needs (excluding Anaphylaxis as this informationis captured via an Individual Anaphylaxis Management Plan). This Plan is to be completed in consultation with theparent/carer and the student. 20
Book ClubSt Mary’s participate in a Book Club Loop with ‘Scholastic’. Materials are distributedapproximately 10 times per year and are grouped according to year level. Thepreferred method of ordering is online at which is the Linked OnlineOrdering & Payments (LOOP) for Parents. Simply register by selecting Book ClubLoop, enter your details, add children and select our school (St. Marys SWAN HILL)Alternatively, orders can still be made from the catalogue. Orders are sent to theOffice and payment can be made via cheque made payable to ‘SCHOLASTICAUSTRALIA,’ by Credit Card by completing the appropriate slip located on the orderform or by cash (correct money only).Child SafeAt St Mary’s School, we hold the care, safety and wellbeing of children andyoung people as a central and fundamental responsibility of our school. Ourcommitment is drawn from and inherent in the teaching and mission ofJesus Christ, with love, justice and the sanctity of each human person at theheart of the gospel (CECV Commitment Statement to Child Safety).Mrs Ginny Gook is our Child Safety Officer.Our expectation is that anyone visiting the school will abide by the DOBCEL Safeguarding Children & YoungPeople – Safeguarding Children. Please refer to our website for a copy of the code.Classroom NotesIndividual notes to parents from classes will come home when needed.Clothing PoolThe school has a Clothing Pool located at the office which provides opportunities for obtaining schooluniforms of the “preloved” kind (gold coin donation). Unwanted uniforms can be donated to the clothingpool for re-distribution and purchase.Emergency Management DrillsAs part of our Health and Safety procedure, our school is required to conduct fire, evacuation & containment drills,several times a year to be sure everyone knows what to do should a situation arise. The school holds these drillswithout staff and students prior knowledge so they can be carried out effectively. An email via PAM will alertparents on the day we have any drills.Foundation AttendanceFoundation children will attend four days a week and are not required at school on Wednesday’s until after thelong weekend in March. From Wednesday March 16th 2022, classes will run five days a week but you can determineif your child is up to five full days. If your child is tired then you can continue to keep them home on Wednesdaysuntil the end of first term, however you will need to advise the office of your child’s absence.Head LiceParents are advised to regularly check children's hair as cases of ‘head lice’ or ‘nits’ are discovered from time totime. It is vital that you inform the school should your child have head lice, so that possible spreading of theproblem can be minimized. From time to time it may be necessary for a staff member to check children’s heads toascertain if Head Lice are present. If the child presents with live lice they shall be excluded until the day afterappropriate treatment has commenced. A child can be treated one evening and return to school the next day, evenif there are still some eggs present. Several types of treatments are available. Your local chemist can assist you onavailable treatments. The following website offers resources and further information, 21
Holy Family Catholic Parish North East MalleeHoly Family Parish warmly welcomes members of our school community. Fr James Kerr is theParish Priest. For enquires, please call 50324144.InformationFor school records and emergency situations it is necessary for us to have up-to-date information on homeaddresses, phone numbers - work and home and any change of email address.It is also necessary for you to supply us with the name/names of relatives or friend that could be contactedin an emergency such as an illness or accident if we were unable to contact yourself.For the School to be able to maintain contact with you these changes are kept up to date by parents andguardians via PAM.Lost PropertyAll unclaimed articles are placed in the Lost Property Bin. The lost property bin is sorted each Friday and nameditems returned to children via the classroom basket. Periodically this bin is emptied and unclaimed articles aresent either to the Clothing Pool or to St. Vincent de Paul. Please name all your children’s uniforms, lunch boxesand bags.MedicationIf a student requires medication to be administered it is preferable this be done outside school hours. For exampleif antibiotics need to be given three times a day then these can be administered before school, after school andbefore bed. Hayfever medication can be given at home as it lasts for up to 12 hours. In some circ*mstances it maybe necessary for the school to administer medication and the school office will need to be notified. This can bedone by completing a Prescribed Medication Authority Form which is available from the school office.This formalong with the prescribed medication with a pharmacy label attached needs to be handed into the office, not yourchild’s teacher.Notes To SchoolNotes concerning lunches or uniform should be forwarded to the class teacher.Nut Free ZoneSt Mary’s encourages a “NUT FREE ZONE” as much as is possible as we do have children with severe allergies.Please do not send any sandwiches that contain nut spreads, nuts of any variety or bars that contain nuts to school.Out of School Hours Care Program - @ 2 MurlongThe Out of School Hours Care Program, @ 2 Murlong, is operating out of the gym hub and provides before andafter school care for school age children. Please express your interest via the following link; or call the schooloffice on 50332541.Privacy PolicyPlease refer to our website to view this policy Parents > Newsletters, Policies & DocumentsShamrock Park PreschoolSt Mary’s has an autonomous 3 year old and 4 year old preschool operating onsite known as Shine Bright ShamrockPark Kindergarten. For details and enrolment information, call Shine Bright on 03 54431229. 22
Sick ChildrenPlease do not send sick children to school. If the child is sick during the night, or not considered well enough to gooutside to play, they are not well enough to be at school. Not only do sick children feel miserable at school, theycan also be the cause of infecting other children with their illness.There are government guidelines in relation to students attending school if they have certain infectious diseases,these are outlined below:Chickenpox- Child will be excluded from school until all blisters have dried. This is usually at least 5 days.Remaining dried scabs are not an indication of continued exclusion.Cold Sores- If a child is unable to comply with good hygiene practices they will be excluded while the lesion isweeping. Lesions to be covered by dressing, where possible.Conjunctivitis- A child will be excluded until discharge from eyes has ceased.COVID-19- Our school is continuing to promote and implement Covid-safe behaviours and practices across ourschool community. For more information visit A child will be excluded until there has not been vomiting or a loose bowel motion for 24 hours,German Measles (Rubella)- A child will be excluded until fully recovered or for at least four days after the onset ofrash.Hand, Foot and Mouth disease- A child shall be excluded until all blisters have dried.Impetigo (School Sores) - A child will be excluded until appropriate treatment has commenced. Sores on exposedsurfaces must be covered with a watertight dressing.Influenza and influenza like illnesses- A child can return to school when they feel well.Measles- A child will be excluded for at least 4 days after onset of rash.Mumps- A child will be excluded for 5 days or until swelling goes down (whichever is sooner).Parvovirus (Slapped Face)- A child will be excluded until they have received antibiotic treatment for at least24 hours and the child feels well.Ringworm, Scabies, Headlice- A child will be excluded until the day after appropriate treatment has commenced.Whooping Cough- A child is to be excluded for 21 days after the onset of cough or until they have completed 5days of a course of antibiotic treatment.Standard Collection NoticePlease refer to our website to view this policy Parents > Newsletters, Policies & DocumentsStudent Led Conferences, 3 Way Conferences and Parent Teacher InterviewsAt St Mary’s School, we aim to give the learner responsibility and ownership for theirlearning so they can develop into independent, life-long learners. In 2019, we introducedStudent Led Conferences in the Year 5 and 6 area and 3 Way Conferences into the Year 2-4area. This means that instead of a traditional parent teacher interview, our Year 2-6students participate in a ten minute discussion with their family member/s and theirteacher and be part of the discussion group about their learning success, challenges andfuture learning goals. Please note that if there are some matters that parents particularly 23
want to discuss without their child’s presence, interviews have been scheduled to allow a five minute chat at theconclusion of the student led component if required.Schedule:Term 1: Parent teacher interview (F-1), 3 Way Conference (2-4) Student Led (5-6) nearthe end of Term 1Term 2: Written reports at the end of Term 2Term3: Parent teacher interview (F), 3 Way Conference (1-4) Student-Led (5-6) nearthe end of Term 3Term 4: Written reports at end of Term 4SunsmartSt Mary’s fully supports the Anti-Cancer campaign of “Sunsmart” and “Slip, Slop,Slap”.School hats stay at school and are worn in Term One & Four at all times whilst outdoors.In Terms Two & Three they are worn at the discretion of staff depending on weatherconditions. Children are encouraged during hot weather to apply sunscreen before goingout to play. Children who are not wearing their school hats will remain in a designated,shaded area during recess and lunchtimes.The use of wrap-around sunglasses that meet Australian Standard 1067(Sunglasses – Category 2,3 or 4) is encouraged.Visitors To SchoolAny adults that comes to the school either to help in the classrooms, do canteen duty or just to visit children mustsign in at the front office, and on departure are required to sign out at the front office. All parents need to QR code,sign in at the office and show proof of COVID vaccination status.Whole School AssemblyOur whole school assembly takes place at 12:25pm each Friday in the school gymnasium. Student of the weekawards are presented at this assembly and each week a class leads an assembly prayer. You are most welcome tojoin us and stay for a shared lunch with your child/children on this day. If you are attending assembly you will needQR code, sign in at the office and show proof of COVID vaccination status.Working With Children ChecksParents who will be assisting at school on a voluntary basis are required to have a Working With Children Check.Applications can be completed online by visiting the following website: When you receive your card, please bring it into the office for us toscan to our records. 24
DRESS CODESchool uniform is compulsory and students at all levels are expected to take pride in their appearance andgrooming. If a student is not in full uniform a note of explanation must be sent to the classroom teacher. Ourschool uniform is available at Clark’s store in Campbell Street.Note: “School” items mean they have the schools logo embroidered on them.Boys & GirlsChoice of the following shoe which can be worn all year roundAll black shoe (lace up, velcro, buckle)All black leather/synthetic runnerAll black covered toe sandalSocks maybe short or long but must be “above ankle”Summer-“School” bucket hatChoice of one or more of the following which can be worn in cooler weather“School” windcheater , full zip vest or full zip jacketNon compulsory items“School” Beanie/Scarf for winter (available for purchase from the Parents & Friends via the school office)Explorer “school” bag (can have child’s name embroidered for easy identification)Girls - SummerSt. Mary’s check dressNavy blue dress shorts with a “school” polo top (short sleeve)White socksGirls - WinterMaroon Check Skirt with “school” polo top (short or long sleeve)Navy blue tailored (elastic back or full elastic waist) trousers with “school” polo top (short or long sleeve)Navy blue socks (short or long) or Navy blue tightsBoys - SummerGrey easy fit shorts with “school” polo top (short sleeve)Grey socksBoys - WinterGrey easy fit double knee trousers with “school” polo top (short or long sleeve)Grey socksPE UNIFORMGirls & Boys - SummerBlack Basketball Shorts with “school” Polo Top (short sleeve)White socks & runnersPE UNIFORMGirls - WinterNavy blue fleecy straight or elastic leg or track and field fabric track pants(no stripes or logos)“School” Polo Top (short or long sleeve) with white socks & runners 25
St Mary's Primary School Swan Hill - St Mary's Primary ... (2024)


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Name: Golda Nolan II

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Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.