Welcome to the Lost Ember Trophy Guide! Difficulty wise, this is a very easy list to complete. There is a bit of a grind though. A majority of this list are tied to collectibles, and there are a lot of them. Fortunately, nothing here is missable. Not even the collectibles. All collectibles save the second you interact with them. So, if you miss anything, you can reload any chapter to go back through and pick them up.
Unlocked all other trophies
Played 10 different animals
See the Trophy "Gotta Catch 'Em All" for more details.
Played all animals
There are 17 animals you'll need to play as. Most of them will be unmissable.1. Wombat2. Duck3. Duckling4. Beaver5. Hummingbird6. Armadillo7. Baby Wombat8. Fish9. Caterpillar10. Parrot11. Firefly12. Buffalo13. Turtle14. Elephant15. Sloth16. Goat17. EagleSee the Trophy "Gotta Catch 'Em All" for more details.
Spread spores of each mushroom kind
All you have to do for this Trophy is find one of every type of mushroom.There are five different mushrooms.1. Azure Trumpet2. Cupling3. Sandy Needling4. Spotted Crown5. White Cloak
Found 30 mushrooms
See the Trophy "Gotta Catch 'Em All" for more details.
Found 50 mushrooms
See the Trophy "Gotta Catch 'Em All" for more details.
Found 70 mushrooms
See the Trophy "Gotta Catch 'Em All" for more details.
Found all mushrooms
See the Trophy "Gotta Catch 'Em All" for more details.
Triggered 5 memories
See the Trophy "I Remember" for more details.
Triggered 20 memories
See the Trophy "I Remember" for more details.
Triggered all memories
*Glitch Warning* The in game counter for this Trophy appears to be glitched. Everytime you interact with a memory, check the counter to make sure it was counted. If it doesn't, reload the checkpoint and try again. You can keep track of them by pressing Options and selecting either New Game orLoad Game. The memories that require you to hold L1 after interacting with themto find another memory nearby only count as one.The memories will be marked by red smoke. You'll have to interact with amajority of them in order to progress the story. There are only a few that arenot required for the story. So, you're going to have to look around for theothers, but don't worry. The maps are not that big and the red smoke can be seenfrom far away. They are very easy to spot.
Found 5 relics
See the Trophy "Gotta Catch 'Em All" for more details.
Found 25 relics
See the Trophy "Gotta Catch 'Em All" for more details.
Found 50 relics
See the Trophy "Gotta Catch 'Em All" for more details.
Found all relics
See the Trophy "Gotta Catch 'Em All" for more details.
Found a legendary animal
See the Trophy "Gotta Catch 'Em All" for more details.
Found and possessed 3 legendary animals
See the Trophy "Gotta Catch 'Em All" for more details.
Found and possessed all available legendary animals
None of the collectibles are missable and can be picked up anytime viachapter select. Follow the videos below to find everything.
Rolled for a mile
This Trophy can be earned by playing as a wombat. Posses a wombat and then goto the top of any hill. Next, Start walking down the hill and then hold X tostart rolling. Roll down the hill and then get back to the top and roll backdown. Repeat this until the Trophy pops.
Spent a bunch of time in the air
You aren't going to need to go out of your way for this Trophy. It will pop asyou play through the story.
Damaged over 20 remains from the old days
You can quickly knock this Trophy out by starting Chapter 2: Gathering Followers.Directly behind you will be some remains. Destroy them and then reload thecheckpoint. Repeat this until the Trophy pops.
Spent a bunch of time underground
You will only be able to go underground with the Armadillo. This is anotherTrophy that will pop as you're playing. Specifically as you're looking forcollectibles.
Spent a bunch of time underwater
Obviously, you will only be able to spend time underwater with the fish. Don'tworry about this Trophy. It will pop as you play.
Found a weird cube-shaped thing
This Trophy is earned in Chapter 5. It is one of the collectibles you needto find. See the Trophy "Gotta Catch 'Em All" for more details.
Found a weird triangle-shaped thing
This Trophy is earned in Chapter 6. It is one of the collectibles you needto find. See the Trophy "Gotta Catch 'Em All" for more details.
Found a weird tube-shaped thing
This Trophy is earned in Chapter 3. It is one of the collectibles you needto find. See the Trophy "Gotta Catch 'Em All" for more details.
Found a weird… shaped thing
This Trophy is earned in Chapter 1. It is one of the collectibles you needto find. See the Trophy "Gotta Catch 'Em All" for more details.
Found a weird sphere-shaped thing
This Trophy is earned in Chapter 1. It is one of the collectibles you needto find. See the Trophy "Gotta Catch 'Em All" for more details.
Found a weird fashion-shaped thing
This Trophy is earned in Chapter 5. It is one of the collectibles you needto find. See the Trophy "Gotta Catch 'Em All" for more details.
Found an odd mini-game
This Trophy is earned in Chapter 2. Posses a duck at the pond and then go tointo the waterfall. There is a secret area here and the Trophy will pop uponentering it.
Got through the Flappy Duckling level
This Trophy can be earned in behind the waterfall in the area where the Trophy"Behind the Waterfall" is earned. All you have to do is play the mini game andfinish the level.
Had too many berries.
This Trophy is earned in the Prologue. All you have to do is eat 10 berriesfrom the berry bushes in the caves when playing as the wombat.
Found the golden statue
This Trophy is earned in Chapter 6. One of the collectibles you needto find is located in the same room as the statue. See the Trophy"Gotta Catch 'Em All" for more details.